What is Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty)? To Whom It Can Be Done?”
The reasons for having a rhinoplasty include repairing deformities in an injury, changing the physical appearance of the nose to correct a birth defect, or improving some breathing difficulties and making breathing easier. In some cases, both respiratory difficulties and physical appearance may be among the reasons behind choosing the rhinoplasty option.
What is Nose Structure?
The upper part of the nose consists of bone and the lower part of cartilage, covered with skin. It has an important place in the respiratory system.
How is Nose Aesthetics Performed?
As with all major surgeries, rhinoplasty carries various risks. Risks of infection, bleeding, and an adverse reaction to anesthesia are always present in major surgeries. There are also separate risks specific to rhinoplasty. These include difficulty in breathing through the nose, permanent numbness in and around the nose, uneven nose, pain, discoloration or permanent swelling, scarring, septum perforation, and the need for additional surgical intervention. Detailed information about these risks is given by the rhinoplasty surgeon. transferred to individuals who consider the stage. Before proceeding to the planning stage of rhinoplasty, a meeting is held between the doctor and the individual considering the rhinoplasty phase to determine whether the surgical operation will be effective. The surgeon will clearly express to the rhinoplasty candidate what rhinoplasty can and cannot provide. After that, he will collect information about nasal congestion, past surgeries and medications used. Individuals with a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia may not be candidates for rhinoplasty. During this process, the doctor will perform a complete physical examination, including laboratory tests such as blood tests. It will also examine the facial features of the rhinoplasty candidate and the inside and outside of the nose. This will allow it to determine what changes need to be made and how physical characteristics such as skin thickness or the durability of the cartilage at the tip of the nose can affect the results. Physical examination is also important to determine the effect of rhinoplasty on breathing.
Photographs of the nose can be taken and images can be manipulated by the surgeon with computer aid to show what kind of results are possible. The rhinoplasty surgeon will also use these photos for before and after evaluations, as well as for long-term reviews with reference during surgery. If the individual has a small chin, the surgeon may also talk to the rhinoplasty candidate about having surgery to enlarge the chin. Because a small chin will create the illusion of a larger nose. In these cases, jaw surgery is not necessary, but a better balance in the facial profile can be revealed. During the first few days after anesthesia, memory loss, slow reaction time, and difficulty making decisions may be seen. Therefore, it may be beneficial for a friend or family member to stay with the patient for a night or two to assist with post-surgery assistance.
Preparations Before Nose Aesthetics
It is necessary to avoid drugs two weeks before the operation. These types of drugs can increase bleeding. Only drugs approved or prescribed by the nose surgeon should be used. Also, herbal remedies, natural remedies and supplements should be avoided. It is necessary to stop or take a break from smoking. Smoking slows the healing process after surgery and increases the chance of getting an infection.
What Happens During Nose Surgery
Local anesthesia with sedation is usually used in the outpatient setting. Its effect is limited to a certain area of the body. The healthcare team injects a pain reliever into the nasal tissues and soothes it with drugs that are injected into a vein through an intravenous (IV) line. This does not put the person to sleep, but makes them drowsy. During general anesthesia, the drug, that is, the anesthetic, is taken by breathing or through an IV line placed in a vein in the chest. General anesthesia affects the whole body and ensures that the individual remains unconscious during the surgery. A breathing tube is also required for general anesthesia. The shape of the nasal bones or cartilage can be changed in various ways by the surgeon, depending on how much of the nasal tissue should be removed or how additions should be made, the structure of the nose and the available material.
If the wall between the two nostrils of the nose, namely the septum, is crooked or twisted, this can be corrected by the surgeon to improve breathing. However, this operation is different from rhinoplasty and is called septoplasty. For minor changes, the surgeon may use cartilage taken from the deeper points of the nose or ear. Larger changes may use cartilage from implants, ribs, or other parts of your body.Upon completion of these changes, the surgeon places the nasal skin and tissue back and sutures the cuts. After the surgery, the individual’s recovery is monitored by the health personnel. It is possible to exit the same day under normal circumstances, but if there are other health complications it is possible to stay in the hospital overnight. Usually, the internal dressings stay in place for one to seven days after the surgery. The surgeon may also tape a splint to the nose for protection and support. This usually stays in place for about a week. To reduce bleeding and swelling after rhinoplasty, it is necessary to rest in bed with the head higher than the chest. The nose may become blocked due to swelling or from splints placed during surgery. It is common for mucus and accumulated blood to continue to flow, along with slight bleeding, until a few days after surgery or after removing the dressing. To absorb this drainage, a small piece of gauze can be taped under the nose to act as an absorbent. This pad should not be tight. In order to minimize the possibility of bleeding and swelling, the surgeon will want to take various precautions until a few weeks after the operation. These include avoiding strenuous activities such as aerobics and jogging, taking a bath instead of a shower with water running from above with a bandage on the nose, blowing the nose, while straining. To avoid constipation due to the risk of applying pressure to the surgery site, to avoid constipation, to avoid excessive facial expressions such as smiling or laughing, to brush the teeth softly to move the upper lip less and to wear clothes that open from the front, such as a shirt. Glasses or sunglasses should not rest on the nose for at least four weeks. It is possible to tape the glasses to the forehead until the nose heals. Sunscreen with factor 30 should be used outside, especially on the nose. Too much sun during this period can cause permanent discoloration of the nasal skin.
A temporary swelling or black-blue discoloration of the eyelids may occur for two to three weeks after rhinoplasty. It may take longer for the nasal swelling to go down. Staying away from sodium during feeding will help the swelling go down faster. Objects such as ice or ice packs should not be placed in the nose after surgery. It would be best to take a week off from work, school or similar obligations for the post-operative period.
Rhinoplasty Results
Rhinoplasty is not a simple but a difficult operation. There are many reasons for this. First of all, the nose is a three-dimensional and complex shape located in the middle of the face. However, most of the swelling will disappear within a year. For this reason, it is recommended to wait at least one year even when a second operation is required.