Penile Prostheses

Urological prostheses and penile implants, which are used to eliminate erectile dysfunction that may occur in the male reproductive system, play an important role in maintaining the activeness of sexual life. Urological prostheses, which are used in erection problems that may occur due to age, chronic diseases and lifestyle, and in cases where other treatment methods do not work, can be easily applied by surgical methods. In order to use urological prostheses, it is one of the most important criteria that the patient has tried all other known treatment methods and has not been successful. Since this type of procedure is considered a surgical method, it is the last preferred treatment method, but considering the results of the application, it can be said that it gives very good results by both the patient and his partner.

What are the Types of Urological Prosthesis?

Urological penile prosthesis types are divided into two different groups as semi-rigid or inflatable models. Inflatable prostheses, which are widely used and frequently preferred because they offer a more comfortable wearing experience, can be easily activated for use and then deflated in the same way. The three-piece inflatable models work with the help of a reservoir placed just below the abdominal wall, a pump, a relief valve placed inside the scrotum and two inflatable cylinders placed inside the penis. This type of prosthesis is among the most frequently used models, as it allows a natural and real erection. In inflatable models, it is seen that all parts are hidden inside the body by a surgical operation. Since it can be deflated when not in use, such a prosthesis cannot be noticed from the outside of the clothes. Although it is the most advantageous type of penile prosthesis in terms of ease of use, since it contains more parts than other prosthesis models, the probability of problems with these parts is naturally higher. Semi-rigid prostheses, which are the second urological prosthesis model, are designed to contain fewer parts and this prosthesis is relatively easy to place in the body by surgical intervention. However, it should be noted that this model may be more visible under the clothes than the other model.

How to Prepare for Urological Prosthesis Surgery?

Although urological implants are seen as the most ideal treatment method in terms of the results of the application, it is useful to perform a general urological and physical examination before deciding on surgery. The patient’s inability to get results from other psychological or physiological methods and the fact that the erection problem could not be resolved with different solutions makes surgical intervention in a sense obligatory. However, urological implants may not be accepted by the patient’s body, albeit partially, after surgery. In some cases, penile prosthesis surgery may cause different complications. Which type of implant model will be used is closely related to the success of the surgery as well as the development of the patient’s manual skills. For this reason, it is very important to give detailed information to the patient in this regard and to control the situation before the operation.

How is Urological Prosthesis Surgery Performed?

Penile prosthesis implantation is a relatively easy operation. It can be said that the operation takes approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. Each implant is specially designed according to the patient’s dimensions. A catheter is inserted into the bladder region in order to drain the urine accumulated in the bladder during the surgery. The selected implant can be easily inserted into the body through an incision made just below the glans or the abdomen. Prosthesis suitable for size and 2 implant cylinders are placed into the penis during the operation. To apply two- and three-piece inflatable prostheses, a pump and valve are positioned in the patient’s scrotum. For three-piece dentures, a special fluid-filled reservoir is also added inside the abdominal wall. After the device is fully placed, all the incisions opened at the beginning of the surgery are sutured and the surgery is completed.

What Can Happen After Urological Prosthesis Surgery?

Urological implant surgeries are simple surgeries that are performed in a short time and the patient can easily return to his normal life. However, it is quite normal for the patient to feel pain for a certain period of time, as after any surgical intervention. The mild pain felt may last up to several weeks in some cases. The use of antibiotics given by the doctor is of great importance in order to prevent infections that may occur after the surgery. It has been observed that many patients can easily return to normal physical activity and sexual life within 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.