What is beard transplantation?

Almost 50% of men find it difficult to grow a full, healthy beard or sideburns. Beard transplants (also known as beard implants) are a simple solution to lighten bald patches, creating a full healthy beard or even a well-shaped goatee.

Using the FUE hair transplant technique, a facial hair transplant makes it possible to lengthen and preserve sideburns, beards and even mustaches giving a very masculine appearance.

Facial hair loss is immediately noticeable and difficult to hide, making even the smartest men look scruffy. Although beard fashion changes often, many men will always have a desire to develop a beard or sideburns. But for some men, even those who take care of their appearance and consume a healthy diet, this can be a problem. This can be a result of genetic hair growth patterns or even damage.

Beard transplantation can completely change the appearance of your face, giving you a more contoured line and a fuller, more properly shaved appearance.

How does beard transplant work?

A beard transplant works the same as a more typical hair transplant. We take hair follicles from a donor area (typically from the back or side of the head) and place them in the recipient area.

This is accomplished using FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). Both give excellent results but there are some differences.

The FUT procedure involves removing an entire strip of hair from the donor area. The strip is then cut into smaller pieces and transplanted into balding areas.

With FUE, each follicle is collected and re-implanted one by one. The advantage of FUE is that it leaves no visible scarring and also provides half the recovery time after a FUT transplant.

Both of these procedures have been proven to provide excellent results, but finding the treatment that’s right for you will depend on your specific needs and wishes.