liposuction; It is the name given to the fat burning process that can be applied to the whole body, especially the abdomen, hips, thighs, ankles, waist and upper arms.
Liposuction (liposuction), which has been performed since 1977, is a procedure that allows to burn, absorb and tighten the fat in the region with the help of cannulas. Liposuction techniques have been combined with cosmetic procedures for years, and traceless liposuction techniques have emerged with the developing technology. Not only the burning of fats, but also the tightening of that area while burning the fats is done at the same time. In addition, thanks to devices such as slim lipo, it has become possible to instantly burn fat and tighten in that area.
Who Is Liposuction Performed To?
Since liposuction is a surgical application, the surgeon’s opinion is the first priority as in every application. Before deciding to perform liposuction, the patient’s detailed medical history should be examined. Especially cardiovascular and pulmonary history should be investigated in detail. Apart from these, the current medications and allergies of the patient should be checked, and the decision to continue the procedure should be taken according to the results. Of course, physical examination is also very important and critical at this point. For liposuction to be applied to the patient’s abdomen, hernia control should be performed and the amount of fat in the abdomen should be well calculated. Again, if an oil is to be taken from the breast area in men, it is checked whether this oil has internal and external characteristics. Likewise, the skin is expected to have sufficient flexibility, these controls are important in order to avoid shrinkage in that area after the fat is removed. In short, after the above controls are done, liposuction can be easily done to the following people;
Not pregnant or have just given birth,
Not exceeding the upper age limit for liposuction,
It is applied to people who do not have blood pressure and diabetes.
What are Liposuction Methods?
During the developmental phase of the person, the increase in fat cells in the body provides an increase with the right rate. After the completion of the developmental phase, the number of developing fat cells remains constant, while an increase in volume is observed. This results in weight gain on the body index. Liposuction is a method of absorbing excess fat deposits under the skin through special cannulas using vacuum or specially prepared injectors. With this method, excess fat can be removed comfortably and safely. Nowadays, the classical liposuction method has been replaced by more comfortable techniques that require minimal surgery for the patient in fat removal operations. Now, laser liposuction, on the other hand, is very different from vacuum, and because it is done using advanced technology, it makes a point shot.
The place where the liposuction will be performed is first drawn by the specialist with the help of a special pen, and the target is determined completely. After the place to be liposuction is determined, lasering is performed and liposuction fat removal surgery is started. Liposuction is the method of removing the fat collected in certain areas by using large diameter cannulas. This method causes large gaps in the skin and contour defects. For this reason, in our hospitals; Laser Lipolysis (Slim Lipo) method is applied instead of the classical liposuction method. Studies have shown that fat cells cannot function with Laser energy and disperse. Meanwhile, it was determined that the laser energy affecting the lower skin increased the tissue quality by affecting the collagen and elastic fibers.
Why is Liposuction Done?
We can say that Laser Lipolysis (SlimLipo) surgery is very effective in removing the resistant fats and cells that remain regionally despite diet and exercise. The main purpose of the surgery is to remove fat cells rather than fat. This method not only destroys the fat accumulated under the skin, but also increases the production of collagen in the skin, making the skin look more taut and younger. Liposuction, also called lipoplasty, liposculpture suction, lipectomy or lipo; It is a surgical method that separates fat from the body. It is generally used on the abdomen, thighs, hips, neck, chin, arms, calves and back. Fat is removed with a hollow instrument known as a cannula. It is placed under the skin. A strong, high-pressure vacuum is applied to the cannula.
Laser Lipolysis Plus (Slimlipo) is mainly used for three purposes:
In order to reshape the body by removing the regional excess fat
To achieve tension on loose skin
It can be applied to the armpit to prevent sweating.
What should be the age of surgery for liposuction?
The candidate must be in good general health. It is not a method used to help people with obesity problems lose weight. It is applied to remove fat deposits that form deposits in certain parts of the body and disrupt body lines. The aim is not to weaken the patient, but to make the body lines smoother and more proportional by removing the fat deposits that create a protruding appearance on the body lines.One of the criteria for being a suitable candidate is the characteristics of the skin. The results to be obtained in young people are more efficient. In people with impaired skin elasticity, stretching surgeries, in which excess skin is removed, are often required. Liposuction is not a general weight loss method. It is not a cure for obesity. Liposuction is used to improve appearance rather than providing physical health benefits. As an individual gains weight, each fat cell increases in size and volume.
Liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in fatty areas. People should discuss the pros and cons of liposuction with their doctor before deciding to have the procedure. Liposuction should only be performed after careful consideration. The patient must be over 18 years old and in good health. Those who have blood circulation or blood flow problems such as coronary artery disease, diabetes or weakened immune systems should not have liposuction. The operation can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the condition of the area to be treated. The surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia in hospital conditions. The duration of the operation varies according to the number and size of the areas to be made. In SlimLipo surgery, small incisions of 3-4 mm are made and fat is removed from the planned areas.
Healing Process After Liposuction
After the operation, a bandage is applied to the treated area. This bandage stays for about 4-5 days. The first dressing is usually done on the 3rd day. There may be some swelling and bruising in the early period. These resolve themselves quickly. Depending on the width and number of areas to be done, you can return to work in 3-7 days on average. It is necessary to wait 3 months for the result to be seen more clearly. We can list the things to be considered after liposuction as follows;
After the application of Laser Lipolysis, sports activities and excessive physical activities should not be performed for 3-4 weeks.
You must use the compression bandage and the corset to be applied by the physician for the specified periods of time. Thus, it is ensured that the skin adapts to its new place more smoothly.
In order to relieve edema more easily after the surgery, the patient is advised to eat a protein-based diet away from salt, sugar and fat, and to drink plenty of water.
As in every method, there may be lubrication in the same area again. Fat cells destroyed during the application do not come back. However, if the patient takes more calories than necessary, there is a possibility that the remaining fat cells will increase in volume. For this reason, it is always recommended to our patients to maintain the result obtained by doing sports after the application and by reducing the excesses in food intake, if any.
The patients will start 10 days after the surgery and have a soft massage application that will provide lymphatic drainage and reduce edema, which will make the results even more perfect.