DHI refers to a different implantation technique during FUE cultivation.
Grafts are taken first by using micromotor-assisted punches, just like in FUE transplantation. With this technique, there is no need to make an incision in the recipient area. The grafts are first placed in special implanter pens with a hollow needle connected to a tube and piston device. These implanter pens are also known as Choi implanters.
The grafts are gently inserted into the hollow needle at the tip of the implanter pen.
The needle is then inserted into the scalp at an angle of 40-45 degrees so that the incision is made and the graft is implanted by pressing the plunger.
During a DHI procedure, 2 to 6 Choi implanters and approximately 15-16 needles are used simultaneously, and the device comes in a variety of needle sizes to suit follicular unit grafts. The main advantage of the implanter is that more grafts can be embedded in a cm2 recipient area, thus producing a denser FU to provide transplantation. This feature is especially advantageous for the front hairline. The biggest disadvantage of the DHI technique is; It is generally a much more costly procedure than other hair transplant methods. In addition, incorrect graft placement in the implanter pens and improper bending of the grafts during transplantation may cause excessive trauma to the sensitive hair follicles, resulting in the death of the follicles.
Sapphire FUE or DHI-FUE?
Because both Sapphire FUE and DHI-FUE have almost the same advantages; Opening more channels and placing more grafts in a given cm2 of the recipient area provides both a denser and smoother anterior hairline and a dense planting for mild 1st to 3rd degree hair loss forms.
In our clinic, Safir FUE does not add any cost to standard FUE. We routinely use it at no additional charge in eligible candidates.
Sapphire FUE also provides another advantage over DHI. Unlike DHI implanters, which carry this risk, there is no risk of damaging sensitive hair follicles both during the placement of the graft and during the placement of the graft from the implanter to the recipient area.
Sapphire tip FUE provides the same dense implantation as DHI.
The sapphire tip has proven its effectiveness in providing a maximum dense transplant on the anterior hairline and even creating a dense peak vortex, and its results are very similar to the results of DHI implanters. Considering that Sapphire FUE does not have an extra cost, DHI process has a lot of extra cost to get the same result; We do not see much reason to have a DHI procedure. However, we provide DHI-FUE in patients who prefer it.